Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Crazy Station

Well I've just spent the past 2 1/2 hours cleaning my room... well mostly organizing my desk :P so here is the result .... well desk's not desk.. I'm greedy and have two :P

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


はじめまして、私はサラです。私は25歳のスーパーアシスタントをしています。私は特にONE OK ROCK、松下優也とKAT-TUN、音楽を聴くのが大好き。私は現在日本語を勉強しようとしている。日本への旅、来年の準備ができました。私のガイドになりたいがある場合は誰か…私に連絡してください!

Hajimemashite, Sarah desu. Watashi wa niyuugo-sai no supaashisutanto o shiteimasu. Watashi wa tokuni ONE OK ROCK, Matsushita Yuya to KAT-TUN, ongaku o kiku no ga daisuki. Watashi wa genzai nihongo o benjyo shiyou to shiteimasu. Nippon e no tabi, wa reinen no junbi ga dekimashita. Watashi no gaido ni naritaiga aru baai wa… Watashi ni renraku shite kudasai!

Nice to meet you, I'm Sarah. I am a 25 year old supermarket assistant. I love to listen to music, especially ONE OK ROCK, Matsushita Yuya and KAT-TUN. I am currently trying to study Japanese. Ready for my trip next year to Japan . If there somebody who wants to be my guide… Please contact me!

I so hope that its near enough correct. I was sat there for a while trying to work out what to write and then decided on something simple. If there is something wrong, then please point it out to me!!! I don't want to offend anyone

Monday, April 11, 2011


I seriously am wondering if I am going to get any where in life. First of all, things just don't seem to be brightening up. I'm still down as ever. I just think that there really is nothing in life that could possibly help cheer me up.

Haruma Miura
OK... so there might be one thing.. and that's if Haruma Miura suddenly replied to this message saying he is happy to show me around Japan when I go on holiday there. And that we could hang out and help each other learn the other's language. Then I would be very happy indeed! But I would seriously be surprised if that ever happened. Great if it did.... but still far off. Oh if you don't know who is... don't worry about. But if you do... He is cute right???? I mean he is an awesome actor.. he played Kazehaya VERY VERY VERY well!!!

But anyway....

Secondly, I've lost of track of what I really want to do. I know I really want to go to Japan. I really want to experience their culture for myself. Its all good and well seeing in Anime's, Manga's and Japanese Drama's. But Its just not the same. Now I know its going to be expensive. So I'm going to wait for next years bonus to help pay for the trip. I've even started to learn Japanese and I can pick up well on some phrases and some words. But I still need to improve before I can actually say that I can speak Japanese. However, I don't want to go on my own. I know at that a friend of mine is also learning Japanese in preparation for the trip also. But two gal's going on their own isn't right. So more gal's are needed to come along too :P

Also, I would prefer if we were able to meet up some people of Japan. Just to avoid getting lost and failure to remember the correct words to say and meeting someone who doesn't speak English. Now that could just be troublesome for everyone. Although the internet is everyone's friend if we do get lost :P

If you fancy coming to Japan with me, then please contact me (^_^)/