My little stay in Tokyo was amazing. I was able to visit all the places I wanted to go to. Ikebukuro was just as amazing as the last time I went there. Sunshine City was huge and I was almost tempted to go to the cinema and watch a movie. But I would prefer to go with someone.
It was just great to actually look around and see what was there. I wasn't in any rush, so it nice to leisurely stroll around. I even went to the big shopping mall. Had lunch there and spent ages in the Hello Kitty Sanrio store. There was so many things I would have loved to had bought. But I limited myself and only got things for friends before looking at what I would have liked to have bought.
Then going to Shinjuku. There is only thing I was searching for there. And I finally found it on my own!! This sculpture took a while to find, but with the help of google maps on my phone, I was able to find it. Its such a beautiful, famous piece of art, that I had to find it. I know its been one of the popular places for drama's, movies to film near here. Which is why I had to find it and take a selfie with it in the background.
Then on the last day in Tokyo, I met up with my friend Annik and we went for a walk around Asakusa and the Asakusa Kannon Temple. It was busy when we went in the morning. But it was still exciting to see. I even got my fortune, which I have some where in my things. But I can't be bothered to look for it right now. It was only a small fortune anyway.

Then on my journey to the airport went really smoothly. I am so grateful that in Japan, everything runs like clock work. I thought I had missed my train from Usuguidani to Nippori station because my suitcase wheel was really no in place again, so I was trying not to rush and cause any more damage to the suitcase that was broken by British Airways when I arrived in Japan. Yet, when I got onto the platform, as I memorized which platform I had to go, the train was just pulling into the station. I thought I had missed it because this suitcase was heavy, and I didn't get any help carrying it up the stairs. The only thing that caught me a little off, was walking to the Sky Liner platform, as I had to find the escalator, as I too tired to try and carry it up a long flight of stairs, buy my ticket near the entrance, and go up another escalator to right platform and get on the train just before it was about to leave. SO I had timed everything really well.
Although,I had to pay for my suitcase being 3Kg over weight, the flight was okay. I had a lot to eat and drink. I took full advantage of the in-flight entertainment and watched 5 movies; Thor: The Dark World, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, The Worlds End, Grown Ups 2 and Wolverine Samurai.
Even though my flight was delayed an hour when arriving in London, I went through customs fine even though I was a little nervous, which I don't know why. Went to collect my heavy suitcase and walked through the doors to the arrivals lounge and spotted my Mother franticly waving and pointing at me before she starts to cry. But I told her to stop before giving her a hug and then hugged my Dad. Then driving back to the Isle of Wight.
Now, this weekend, I am off to Plymouth to meet a friend who I have missed so much since I graduated University. Its the long awaited catch up!! Then next Thursday, I am off to London with my friends Keith, Helen and my Mother for a day trip. See the sights, take lots of photo's and enjoy the company.
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