Saturday, February 19, 2011

Speed Painting Video

For all of those who are interested....

I made a new speed painting video on how I draw and paint eye's.. if your curious to see, then please watch and fav. Although I will say the video didn't stay in wide-screen so if it looks squashed up.... thats way!

Links just don't seem to be working right for me recently T____T

Friday, February 11, 2011

More Speed Painting Video's

Hopefully this work this time.



Please comment and fav!

I know the piece isn't finished yet, so please don't tell me that the hair and clothes aren't done yet. I'm showing the piece as it progresses.

The person, for all you ONE OK ROCK fans like me, is the fabulous and cute Toru Yamashita.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Ever Changing

So Its time for a change again. Now this site of mine has moved to a new host and finally being arranged in a more suitable fashion for a homepage/blog site. I think its some that show progression at least. It might not seem like much to other people but to, its something to call my own. Although it did take a while to finally get round to sorting it out the way I really wanted it. The current product is very satisfactory. Something that is simple and easy to navigate around. Hopefully without any confusing menu's or links.

I do think its about time to stop with the student attitude and mannerisms that I seem still to be holding onto. I don't know why but I'm still someone who spends most of their time asleep or drawing. I don't watch anime as much as I used to. But that is mostly because I've managed to catch up with the anime's I really want to watch and I'm always in constant search for new series. I do also go to work although I only work four days as week. So its hardly going to take up most of my time. But I would love to have more hour's. I just don't want to seem pushy so I'm going to patiently wait for my next review about my work hours and job prospects.

Why is it that as soon as January starts to change to February, that I suddenly think of new years resolutions? Its not really much of a new year if the first month is soon to pass. Its just going to be a new goal right? Well... I've decided that I not only need to start loosing weight and go back to wearing size 10 clothes (which still seem to fit me, which is a little strange....). I also need to really start thinking about waking up more at proper times. Waking at 12pm isn't really healthy. I have been going to sleep around 2am but waking up almost 10 hours later.... Surely must not be helping me either. Hopefully when I start being more active and really focusing on loosing weight at getting to 8.5 Stone or 9 Stone. Something that is more of a reasonable weight. But I really need to be focused on reaching the goal. I don't want my boyfriend to marry a fat, horrible little me.