Friday, October 31, 2008


Well don't know how many people know me but anyway...

Halloween is my second favourite time of the year. Not because of trick or treating because really... thats just a publicity stunt to get parents to buy sweets for kids who shouldn't really be out knocking on strangers doors. I prefer the halloween where its just to celebrate All Hallows Eve but without bringing to dead to the land of the living. I don't really believe in witchcraft enough to want to actually try it.

But my main reason is because its the only time of the year I don't have to get cheap remarks for wearing black (see there is always a hidden agenda). Also it means I can really watch Nightmare Before Christmas to my hearts contempt! I really do love the movie and I watch it every year as well as listen to the soundtrack if I don't get the chance to watch the movie, which is probably what I will be doing this year as I am working in the evening (talk about spoiling my fun!!!).

How can you not like the movie anyway?? ohhh unless your a chav where you don't really have a clue what the world is about because you don't understand anything properly. I know its more of a gothic movie as its really about the dead taking over Christmas but its a funny musical.

So if your not doing anything special for halloween, then watch Nightmare before Christmas!!!!!

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