Saturday, January 01, 2011

Have to let this out...

Happy New Year to all my friends who read this  ^___^ thank you so much for all the support you've given me over this past year and helping me to grow more and more in love with Art!! I really wouldn't be able to say I've improved immensely without you. So thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I hope you all started off the New Year well, start as you mean to go on!

For my new years resolution I'm going to start saying how I truly feel. No more worrying about what other's think of me but being who I truly am. So far so good at the moment. I've already got a few heavy weights off my chest. Although some might seem as a little harsh but I go by the moral philosophy of "Treat others as you yourself wish to be treated". If your kind to me, I will be kind back. However, if your bitch to me, then expect the same in return. If you can't understand that, then why are you talking to me. If you can't take what you dish out then why say it in the first place? Don't play the victim when your the person who started it. It just drives me insane when someone does that. What's the point of saying something so hurtful to other but you can't take it.. Its like your bullying other people because you don't want to appear too weak unless someone stands up to you and then you start showing how weak you truly are.

I didn't really expect to be called "the bitch" so soon after the start of 2011 but to be perfectly honest, I'm kind of glad they did. I can take being called a bitch. Because some times, if someone pisses me off, then I really am a bitch. But when that person then has a tantrum because I said I can take it and then say how I feel about them. Is something one should expect from me. Call me a bitch and you called a bitch back. Although I wish I would have to result in swearing often as I only swear when I'm really pissed off, I would prefer to settle a matter in a more adult fashion and discuss more about the problems then to have a slagging match. But if the situation calls for it, then so be it.

You might be wondering why I'm saying all this. And it won't make much sense to you. So let me explain:

I don't normal speak what I really feel. I'm an introverted person who keeps to themselves. I don't tend to speak up to myself unless angry, which doesn't happen often. So I tend to just take what others say and then dwell on it later. I suppose, you could say I'm influenced by others around me. Always trying to be the way others expect from me. Not being truly honest with myself. So its time for the final change. No more want to please others. If they can't take me for who I really am. Then don't even bother wasting your time trying to get to know me. Because it won't work. But for those who do want to take the time to get to know me, then I really do appreciate your friendship :)

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